domain details, Bayer Glass Works -- Hand Blown Art Glass, Stained Glass, Lighting, Architectural Glass, and Unique Blown Glass Vases, Bowls, Pl

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Description: Handblown Art Glass -- Master Glassblower Doug Bayer creates exquite Handblown Art Glass Vessels and Vases, Lighting, Fused Tiles, Goblets, Custom Made Glass of all types to your order, plus production pieces including Bowls, Platters and Pitchers in selected colors. His studio is in Westcliffe, CO in the Wet Mountain Valley of central Colorado.

Bayer Glass Works Bayer Glassworks Doug Bayer Westcliffe Blown Glass Stained Glass Handblown Glass Glass Blowing Hand Bl

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Bayer Glass Works -- Hand Blown Art Glass, Stained Glass, Lighting, Architectural Glass, and Unique Blown Glass Vases, Bowls, Pl
Bayer Glass Works -- Hand Blown Art Glass, Stained Glass, Lighting, Architectural Glass, and Unique Blown Glass Vases, Bowls, Pl
Bayer Glass Works Links to Blown Art Glass Page

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