URL details: polarbearscience.com/2019/08/17/blacklist-by-nature-follows-defamation-by-bioscience-journals-reject-ethics-of-science/?utm_source=CCNet+Newsletter&utm_campaign=0187741632-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_08_19_02_49&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_fe4b2f45ef-0187741632-36446097

URL title: Blacklist by Nature follows defamation by BioScience: journals reject ethics of science | polarbearscience
URL description: Along with hundreds of other people – 385 to be exact – I have been blacklisted [#181] by the science journal Nature Communications in a recently-published abysmal paper by three authors from University of California Merced, after I and a number of others were publicly defamed by a squadron of authors in a similarly-stupid paper…
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