URL details: rollenspielstudien.de/douse_and_mcmanus/personality.html

URL title: Neil A. Douse & Ian Chris McManus (1993). The Personality of Fantasy Game Players.
URL description: Players of a fantasy Play-By-Mail game were compared with matched controls on personality measures of decision-making style, sex-role, extraversion, neuroticism, empathy, leisure interests and personality type. Most players were male. On the Bem Sex-Role Inventory the players were less feminine and less androgynous than controls. They were more introverted, showed lower scores on the scale of empathic concern, and were more likely to describe themselves as “scientific”, and to include “playin
URL keywords: Douse, McManus, Neil, Ian, N. A., I.C., Dungeons and Dragons, British Journal of Psychology, psychology, fantasy, role-play, rol
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