URL details: kblh.org/studygroup.html

URL title: The A-Z Kabbalah Study Group
URL description: The Study Group grew out of the A-Z Kabbalah Forum which was founded in 2002 by Rabbi Brandwein and Zohara Hieronimus of Maryland. The Forum is held several times each year and focuses on the teachings of Yehuda Leib Ashlag, z'l who translated the Zohar into Hebrew from the original Aramaic and authored the Sulam, a commentary on the Zohar which earned him the title Ba'al HaSulam. All programs are taught by Rav Brandwein. Rav Brandwein was ordained as a Rabbi by G'dolim representing the entire Orthodox comm
URL keywords: The A-Z Kabbalah Study Group, ruscombe mansion, jewish study group in baltimore maryland, hebrew study in baltimore maryland, fr
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