URL details: WhoNeedsTV.com/video:19832/laser-dentistry-star-wars-spoof

URL title: Laser Dentistry Star Wars Spoof | WhoNeedsTV
URL description: Dr. J. Steven Abernathy from Jonesboro, Arkansas digitally added himself to clips from the original Star Wars film to create this hilarious promo video his laser dentistry services. The floss is strong with this one.. WhoNeedsTV.com is a hugely popular entertainment website that adds new funny videos, pictures, music, animations, games, galleries, cuties, babes, celebs,links, wtf, fail, and more 365 days a year. Everything viral, social media based & digital.
URL keywords: Viral, blog, Funny Videos, who needs tv, tv, television, videos, movies, crazy, funny, violent, amazing, sexy, funny videos, vio
URL last crawled: 2022-12-21
URL speed: 70.000 MB/s, downloaded in 0.001 seconds

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