URL details: party105.com/abc-in-crisis-news/43aae789cacbe531d44ccddefaad670a

URL title: In Crisis News - PARTY-FM
URL description: iStock/SIphotographyWhile few can argue that ending COVID-19 pandemic restrictions isn't a good thing, all that staying at home has apparently taken a toll on our driving skills.  Thirty-seven percent of the respondents in a new survey admit they've entirely forgotten how to drive. The non-scientific poll of 2,000 Americans commissioned by Nextbase Dash Cams revealed that 47% say they haven’t driven more than 50 miles per month since the pandemic began. As a result, 35% say their driving skills aren't wha
URL keywords: radio station, PARTY, Top 40, NY, WPTY, PARTY FM, Your Party Music Leader, VARIATIONSPARTY, 105PARTY, 101PARTYFMPARTY, MUSIC, LE
URL last crawled: 2022-07-01
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