URL details: nhkcccan.com/hong-kong-connection-talks-%e9%8f%97%e9%8f%98%e8%aa%aa%ef%bc%9a%e9%a6%ac%e6%99%82%e4%ba%a8%ef%b8%b0%e9%a6%99%e6%b8%af%e4%bb%94%e7%9a%84%e5%93%81%e6%a0%bc/

URL title: Hong Kong Connection Talks.鏗鏘說:馬時亨︰香港仔的品格 – NHKCC Canada
URL paragraphs: In this week’s RTHK edition of ‘Hong Kong Connection Talks’, Paul Shieh once again has to put up with Pro-CCP turd Fred Ma Si Hang, aka ‘Horse Shit Creek’. The former moronic President of the MTR, plus various embarrassing stints on the HK Govern
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