URL details: www.999magnet.com/neodymiummagnets/vip_doc/22475445.html

URL title: Classification and analysis of raw materials for neodymium iron boron magnets_neodymium-magnet
URL description: The key raw materials for the production of NdFeB magnets include rare earth metal neodymium, rare earth metal praseodymium, pure aluminum, aluminum, boron non-ferrous metals and other rare earth raw materials. The production process of neodymium iron boron magnets, to put it simply, is like this: the raw materials are mixed and smelted, and then the smelted metal material blocks are crushed into small particles. Put small particles into the abrasive tool to inhibit forming. It is then calcined.
URL keywords: neodymium magnets
URL last crawled: 2023-01-06
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