URL details: www.deepstate.news/2021-05-18-wuhan-lab-scrubs-evidence-fauci-treason-servers.html

URL title: CCP cover-up: Wuhan lab scrubs all evidence of Fauci treason from its servers
URL description: Now that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) house of cards is crumbling, communist China is frantically trying to scrub all evidence linking Anthony Fauci to the illicit gain of function research that ultimately led to the plandemic. New reports indicate that the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) was caught deleting all mentions of Fauci, the National […]
URL keywords: biological weapons, bioweapons, communism, coronavirus, COVID, deception, Fauci, gain-of-function, NIAID, NIH, Plandemic, Rand Paul, treason
URL last crawled: 2022-06-23
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