URL details: lioncitylife.com/acn-newswire/lui-che-woo-prize-donates-rmb-250-million-to-support-the-development-of-shanghai-jiao-tong-university-zhangjiang-science-park-the-new-campus-is-named-lui-che-woo-science-park/

URL title: LUI Che Woo Prize donates RMB 250 million to support the development of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Zhangjiang Science Park, T
URL paragraphs: HONG KONG, Dec 20, 2022 – (ACN Newswire via SEAPRWire.com) – Dr Lui Che-woo, Chairman of K. Wah Group (the “Group”) and the founder of LUI Che Woo Prize – Prize for World Civilization (“LUI Che Woo Prize”), has donated RMB 250 million through
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