URL details: starbuckswatch.news/2018-06-06-starbucks-sensitivity-training-actually-just-a-forced-re-education-camp.html

URL title: Starbucks’ “sensitivity training” actually just a forced “re-education camp” that subjected employees to police brutality videos
URL description: Late last month, Starbucks closed hundreds of stores across the country in order to provide their employees with racial sensitivity training following the arrest of two black men at a Philadelphia store back in April. This wasn’t just any racial sensitivity training, however; this was anti-cop propaganda and social justice indoctrination of the highest order. […]
URL keywords: brainwashed, hatred, indoctrination, intolerance, left cult, Libtards, Police, police officers, propaganda, Starbucks, stupid
URL last crawled: 2023-01-07
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