URL details: howardlee.cloud/blog/how-to-convert-kml-file-to-sql-csv-or-shp-by-ogr2ogr-within-qgis-ltr/

URL title: Howard Lee Cloud
URL description: It's a difficult and common problem of transforming KML-format to others such as PostgreSQL, CSV or SHP using ogr2ogr. This article will provide cheatsheet and describe what problem I had encountered. | 轉換地理資訊檔案一直是複雜的問題,本文介紹如何使用 QGIS-LTR 裡的 ogr2ogr 程式,轉換 KML 檔案到 PostgreSQL, CSV 或是 SHP 格式,以及介紹我研究轉換過程遇到的操作問題
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