URL details: Terraforming.news/2022-02-04-climate-engineering-can-bring-populations-down.html

URL title: Climate engineering: Weapon that can bring populations to their knees without them knowing they’re under attack
URL description: Geoengineering expert Dane Wigington branded climate engineering as “the crown jewel weapon of the military industrial complex.” It is a weapon that can bring populations to their knees without them ever knowing they’re under assault. “It can target crops and it can have cognitive effect. We have a decline in IQ in the U.S. alone […]
URL keywords: badhealth, badpollution, brain function, brain health, climate, climate engineering, conspiracy, Dane Wigington, enviroment, geoengineeri
URL last crawled: 2022-07-05
URL speed: 0.210 MB/s, downloaded in 0.200 seconds

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