URL details: chesterfieldnsdar.org/patriot-listing/

URL title: Patriots – Chesterfield Courthouse Chapter, NSDAR
URL description: Sidney E. King's depiction of Major General Frederick von Steuben drilling the Continental recruits at the Chesterfield Courthouse during winter of 1780–1781 courtesy of Chesterfield Historical Society of Virginia. First NameLast NameServiceStateJosephAckerPvtVAJacobAmmonsSolGAThomasArnoldPSNCBenjaminArthurCaptVADavisBagbyLtNCHughBarnettCS PSNCJacobBastianPvtNCJohnBryanCol CS PSNCThomasBryantPvtVABenjaminBucknerSolNCJacobCarpenterPSNCJohnCarpenterPSVAMichaelCarpenterSolVASolomon CarpenterSolVAFrancisCheatha
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