URL details: debshadovitz.com

URL title: Deborah "Deb" Shadovitz: Travel writer, Tech author, Speaker, Instructor, Macintosh & Web
URL description: Deborah Shadovitz, aka Deb Shadovitz, Debbie to her childhood friends only, introduces you to what she can do for you as a travel writer or Macintosh writer, as a Macintosh specialist who writes about Macintosh and the web, and as a Macintosh trainer or web design trainer or trainer. Deborah is available to speak to your group, teach you or your group, or write for you. You can hear some of Deborahs's radio appearances here to get a feel for her style. Deborah also has some great travel resources for you,
URL keywords: Travel writer, travelling, traveler, backpacker, travel author, Macintosh speaker, Macintosh trainer, Macintosh training, Speake
URL last crawled: 2023-01-09
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