URL details: nibutani.jp/culture/

URL title: 二風谷アイヌ文化 Nibutani Ainu culture|二風谷アイヌ匠の道 Nibutani Ainu Takumi no Michi
URL description: 二風谷アイヌ文化 Nibutani Ainu culture|神話が伝わるアイヌ文化発祥の地「二風谷」には、伝統を受け継ぐアーティスト達が住む「匠の道」がある。[In Nibutani, held by myths to be the birthplace of Ainu culture, can be found 'Takumi no Michi' which brings together artists who are part of a living tradition.]
URL keywords: アイヌ文化, 伝統文化
URL last crawled: 2022-06-21
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