URL details: www.sheeple.news/2021-04-28-vaccine-wont-be-enough-rulers-demand-full-enslavement.html

URL title: “The vaccine wont be enough!” The rulers demand full enslavement
URL description: Mainstream media outlets are continuing their fear-mongering over new variants.  They continue to tell us that the vaccines won’t be enough. Nothing short of your full and complete enslavement to the state will suffice. (Article by Mac Slavo republished from SHTFPlan.com) Science Daily is calling for a global strategy of “maximum suppression.” And we should all know […]
URL keywords: brainwashed, COVID, enslaved, maximum suppression, medical fascism, Medical Tyranny, News World Order, obey, sheeple, slavery, vaccination
URL last crawled: 2022-05-24
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