URL details: forteventures.com/insights/2018/6/12/humans-versus-ai-in-customer-service-and-our-reasons-for-investing-in-stellaservice

URL title: Humans versus AI in Customer Service, and Our Reasons for Investing in StellaService — Forté Ventures
URL description: Any visit to TechCrunch, VentureBeat, or even the Wall Street Journal will leave the average reader with a sense that AI is taking over a different part of the economy every week. There are an almost endless number of funding press releases and pitch recaps that read “Company XYZ is using AI and machine learning to automate repetitive tasks in the [insert name] industry.” Within the constant stream of stories on AI, though, one task or function seems to stand out as a particularly frequent ta
URL keywords: forte forté forte ventures forté ventures forte venture capital forté venture capital forte vc forté vc forte capital forté capi
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