URL details: www.neiltyson.news/2019-02-22-neil-degrasse-tysons-nat-geo-show-startalk-shelved-over-allegations-of-sexual-assault.html

URL title: Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Nat Geo show “StarTalk” shelved over allegations of sexual assault against multiple women
URL description: Celebrity pop-astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson is watching his career swirl the toilet following numerous allegations from four different women who say he sexually assaulted them. Tyson’s “StarTalk” show, which would have been cruising along in its fifth season, has reportedly been shelved until all details come forward about his improprieties. At that time, National Geographic, […]
URL keywords: allegations, assault, badscience, believe women, celebrities, Celebrity, celebrity news, date rape, Fox Network Group, Nat Geo, National G
URL last crawled: 2022-07-02
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