URL details: WhoNeedsTV.com/video:19828/woman-jogger-is-pooping-all-over-colorado-springs

URL title: Woman Jogger is Pooping All Over Colorado Springs | WhoNeedsTV
URL description: 'You've got to be sh*tting me!' A Colorado Springs family has spent weeks trying to find and stop a mystery woman they've called 'The Mad Pooper' to stop defecating in their neighborhood, right outside their house.. WhoNeedsTV.com is a hugely popular entertainment website that adds new funny videos, pictures, music, animations, games, galleries, cuties, babes, celebs,links, wtf, fail, and more 365 days a year. Everything viral, social media based & digital.
URL keywords: Viral, blog, Funny Videos, who needs tv, tv, television, videos, movies, crazy, funny, violent, amazing, sexy, funny videos, vio
URL last crawled: 2022-09-12
URL speed: 608.000 MB/s, downloaded in 0.001 seconds

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